The hydrolysed soy protein

Our naturopath Aurélie Saint-Lèbe gives you the benefits of hydrolysed soy protein, one of the ingredient contained in the Thermoregulatory Lotion, the “must-have” cosmetic for this summer.

What is hydrolysed soy protein?

The hydrolysed soy protein is a hydrolysis reaction that can convey peptides to give it regenerating, moisturizing and nourishing.

I decided to add this active ingredient to the composition of the Thermoregulatory Lotion to regulate your skin disturbed by hot temperatures, perspiration and sunscreens.

Where is it grown?

From China, this leguminous plant is produced in Asia and especially in the Americas, Brazil and Argentina. These produce more than 80% of the world’s production, the best soya remaining that grown under the organic standard.

It is a 100% natural active ingredient that you will find in numerous of my cosmetics GMO-free.

What are its benefits on the skin?

The hydrolysed soy protein protects and repairs the skin through the antioxidant effects of isoflavones. On the one hand, they act against photo aging by arming the skin against oxidative stress induced by UVB rays.

On the other hand, they help reduce the damage caused by the sun on the skin by promoting cell renewal, reducing the thickness of the epidermis and roughness of the skin.

Thanks to its stimulating action on the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen, the hydrolysed soy protein also acts on the wrinkles, fine lines and the elasticity of the skin.

As an alternative to what artificial, chemical process?

There is no artificial or chemical alternative to hydrolysed soy protein.

How to consume it other than by dermal route?

The hydrolyzed soy protein contains most of the benefits of unprocessed soy. They are complete proteins in the same way as animal proteins. It can be interesting as part of a vegetarian or vegan diet.

Small tip… Hydrolyzed soy protein is a substitute for egg white when you make cakes for example.

Shop the “must-have” Lotion of this summer made with based on hydrolysed soy protein…

Thermoregulatory Lotion

95% of natural origin ingredients

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Dear friend,

It is with immense gratitude that I address you.
Your trust and patience during this period have been the beacon that guided our team through this moment of rebirth.
Your unwavering support has given me courage and strength in the challenge of reopening.
Now, you can find 13 of our products here or at the Joëlle Ciocco Paris care center.

We are at work, with passion and the honor of serving you, to present you in the coming months, our complete range of care. Each formula has been made with meticulous attention to ensure your expectations are met while respecting our commitment to excellence and quality.

We invite you to (re)discover our classics and to stay connected for upcoming launches.

Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart,

Joëlle Ciocco